Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's been awhile..

It's been awhile...

So much things had happened this past few weeks that can be interesting to share and I would love to share.. but, sometimes, interesting story are meant to just be 'confidential' and 'biarlah rahsia'.. That is why, sometimes.... it's hard to keep a secret eh? It's hard not to share something to someone..especially when that something is worth to be shared.. whateverla eh...

I drove down to JB this Monday evening, visiting one of my dearest aunty. She had an operation to remove a fibroid a month ago. The operation was a success except that, she is currently struggling with the surgery suture. She already had her 1st suture removed and get it sutured back. But now, she had her 2nd suture removed and wait for the suitable condition for the 3rd suturing.. huhuhu.. Really pity her.. I just can't imagine how painful it can be..hope she can be strong, keep feeling positive and get well soon..

Friday, October 2, 2009


Aaaaaaarrgh!!!!! Aaaarggghhhhhh!!!!!

p/s: Rase tension sgt hari nih... tapi x leh plak nak jerit2 x tentu pasal kat umah..