Saya Sebagai Seorang Pekerja Pt1 - Maid in Scotland
Sempena menyambut Hari Pekerja esok, tiba-tiba imah terfikir pasal perjalanan hidup imah sebagai seorang pekerja. Imah mula-mula menjinakkan diri dalam dunia pekerjaan sewaktu belajar di Edinburgh dulu. Really can't remember when and what was my first job. Hmmm.. rasanya a temping job at a rugby game at Murrayfield Stadium, jadi waiter or lebih tepat, penghidang/ penyedok makanan to the staffs and crews. Other than that, rasanya ader buat beberapa temping jobs lagi, tapi dah tak berapa nak ingat..huhuhu..Sebab getting sick with temp agency, where you need to call them every bloody second to ask them what available jobs are available for grab, I tried to find a secure part time job. Preferably, working in store la, jadi sales girl ker, cashier ker, but susah jugaklah nak dapat diterima..tak berkelayakan katanya..
I don't remember how at last, I got the job at Dalmahoy Marriot Hotel and Country Club, as a Housekeeping Associates. ha ha ha.. Nama jawatan jer cam gempak, k. Since imah memang terkenal sebagai penyepah kat rumah, imah bekerja sebagai housekeeper and buat kerja2 mengemas adalah sesuatu yang sebenarnya kelakar buat mak imah waktu tuh.. Tak kisah ler.. saper yang nak free free kasik GBP4.50/hour? Mungkin, tanpa sedar, imah telah diturunkan secara turun temurun dari mak untuk pandai buat kerja2 mengemas nih, jadi, kira imah boleh pukul jugakla buat kerja2 housekeeping nih...huhuhu..(nampaknyer, berdasarkan working experience nih, mak kena upah lebih kurang RM25/hour utk imah buat kerja2 housekeeping nih kat umah sendiri.. hehehe). Imah kerja on weekends jer time tuh and in several public/bank holidays, kalau diorang perlu extra staffs. I do remember this job a lot because, I remember that it was tough. I was required to super clean 15 rooms (bukan setakat asal nampak bersih and kemas jer, kena free from habuk, rambut and debu2 and cermin kena super licin dan bersinar2) and memang nightmare kalau sumer adalah check-out rooms. Faham2 jela tahap sampah yang harus dikerjakan.. huhuhu.. Memang penat sangat-sangat buat kerja nih (especially part kena bagun awal),tak termasuk jari jemari yang luka dan cedera kena bahan pencuci and angkat mengangkat tilam. Tapi biler dah lama and sedikit berpengalaman, pandaila jugak menipu sikit-sikit untuk mempercepatkan kerja dan mengurangkan tenaga..hahahah.. Kalau nak ikut panduan kerja 100%, alamat memang takleh la nak siap kerja on time.. Jadi, apa2 benda pun dalam bilik hotel especially gelas, janganlah korang pandai2 terus guna tanpa basuh dulu. Entah aper2 kain diorg guna wat lap.. huhuhuhu..
My lucky break finally arrived, when 1 day, my supervisor told me to come at 2pm on the next day. Moving forward, I'll work on night-shift and it should be interesting, katanya Yeay!!! I told myself. At least I don't have to wake up early in the morning.. hehehe.. The next day, I was briefed on what would I be doing.. still need to clean rooms, but now reduced to 5 rooms only!!! yeeha.. Rasa nak melompat terkinja2 cam monyet time tuh jugak.. (Tapi kekadang kena buat lebih la.. cover mereka2 yg masih ketinggalan waktu shift pagi tuh.. huhuhu).. Then, come 6pm, I need to do a 'turn-down' service for the Executive Suites and VIP guests.. Bukanlah buat service aper2 pun..Cuma kena gi tutup2 langsir, bukak kan lampu, sediakan katil untuk diorg terus ready untuk tido, letak coklat and letak fresh towels.. senang sangat2.. Lebih menyeronokkan, hari pertama Imah kerna nighjt shift, supervisor kasik tau yang Robbie William was staying at the hotel and we'll go to do housekeeping at his room... Robbie William???!! tarik nafas sekejap.. Imah takdela minat sangat kat dia, tapi nak dapat masuk bilik artis nih!! Macam2 perasaan timbul time tuh, excited, nervous, bangga pun ader..tak kirala, walaupun untuk cuci jamban dier jer.. heheheh..
I was brought to a different side of the hotel, where I've never been before. Rupa-rupanya diorang ader lagi advance punyer suites. 1 room leh kira cam 1 apartmentla, ader ruang katil, TV area, beberapa bilik air. Katil pun kirea super size la. Tak sama cam bilik2 yg slalu imah dok cuci selama nih. And these rooms got padang golf nyer view with classic-english design. The buiding itself macam a tower castle, with long windows and flowery curtains with scallops. Rasa cam katak bawah tempurung jer time tuh. Tak tau selok belok tempat kerja sendiri.. huhuhu..
How's my experience cuci bilik Robbie William? Biasa jer.. Ketuk pintu bilik cam biasa..Knock Knock Knock.."Housekeeping!!!", I shout (cuma kali nih.. buat yg lebih seksi daripada biasala kan..ceh.. hahahah). A guy openned the door for us and welcomed us in. We went in, and straight away imah dah boleh nampak Robbie William kat dalam, (I'm just facing his back, sebab dier dok mengadap TV, nampak cam tengah baca something on piece of papers). So as a professional, (professional la kononnyer nih) imah cuma dok fokus dengan kerja2 housekeeping yang perlu dilakukan jer. Cuma sekali sekala jela dok jeling2 sikit ke arah Robbie William tuh..takdela bercakap2 or hello2 each other or mintak autograph ker..hehehehe..Mungkin sebab ader supervisor teman sekali. Kenala behave sikit..Dalam hati cam, ishh, kacau daun jer pak cik nih..
Memang best la dapat buat night shift nih.. Tak memenatkan. Habis kerja kul 8 malam.. Takdela lewat sangat pun. Cuma boring je la, sorang2 kat ofis, jaga telepon, kot kot orang ader request anything. Cuma ader 1 insiden jela yang imah tak dapat nak lupa. Tiba-tiba, ader kes org mabuk buat kecoh pulak. Ishhh.. belum pukul 8 dah mabuk. Kebetulan time tuh supervisor belum balik lagi, so kami pergila tengok.. aper benda kes nyer. Sekali masuk bilik.. then tengok bilik air.. mak aih.. muntah bersepah-sepah kat lantai, dinding sumer. Imah rasa cam nak menyumbang lagi muntah kat situ.. Kire cam blurr jugakla, memikirkan camner nak kena bersihkan muntah2 tuh.. Last last, to my rescue supervisor tuh yg volunteer tolong bersihkan.. phewww.. Nasib baik dapat supervisor yang baik hati..
Alhamdulillah, imah tak pernahla menghadapi kesukaran or masalah waktu buat kerja nih. Kira kes kena kacau ngan customers pun kire tak dela.. Sekejap jer pun rasanyer. Tapi, imah selalu wonder, macam mana pekerja2 lain tuh boleh survive buat kerja housekeeping nih for so many years. (sebab waktu imah kerja tuh, majoriti pekerja adalah golongan mak cik2 yg mungkin jugak sudah mencapai tahap nenek, yang dah bekerja kat situ for 20+ years..huhuhuhu). Imah kerja ntah berapa bulan, part time jer plak tuh, terasa sangat penat lelah nyer.
p/s: Imah masih simpan uniform and name tag waktu pakai masa kerja kat sini dulu.. sentimental value.. hehehehe
setiap keje yg kita buat, walaupun tak glamer dan gaji tak sebesar mana, pasti memberi pengalaman yg sangat mahal dan itulah yg mendewasakan kita, kan? ;D
hehhee..kalau nk recall semua yg kat glasgow tuu...memang setahun pun tak abis cerita..hehehe....great one imah!!! i miss glasgow..i miss the good old days.. :D
ayu: I miss being your tukang urut as well!!! Sekarang dah takder org yg dpt merasa urutan imah yg best tuh..hehehe..
asrul n dikla: citer Glasgow in Part2..hehehe..walaupun perit tapi mmg best sgt time tuh..bukan sebrg Floor engineer tau performer Floor Engineer tuh..hehehe..
oren: yeah.. the experiences were great.. it's not only that u learn more about yourself and grow as a person.. but you got to learn about other people and their life as well.. and ur perspectives of living and survival changed.
tingat u citer u jumpa robbie william.. kontrol2 ayu :P
ReplyDeleteI MIss Imah yang dulu... boleh mintak tolong urutkan....and vice versa.
ReplyDeletesetiap keje yg kita buat, walaupun tak glamer dan gaji tak sebesar mana, pasti memberi pengalaman yg sangat mahal dan itulah yg mendewasakan kita, kan? ;D
ReplyDeletekat Glasgow x nk cite ke...hahaha...floor engineer lg tu... :P
ReplyDeletehehhee..kalau nk recall semua yg kat glasgow tuu...memang setahun pun tak abis cerita..hehehe....great one imah!!! i miss glasgow..i miss the good old days.. :D
ReplyDeleteayu: I miss being your tukang urut as well!!! Sekarang dah takder org yg dpt merasa urutan imah yg best tuh..hehehe..
ReplyDeleteasrul n dikla: citer Glasgow in Part2..hehehe..walaupun perit tapi mmg best sgt time tuh..bukan sebrg Floor engineer tau performer Floor Engineer tuh..hehehe..
oren: yeah.. the experiences were great.. it's not only that u learn more about yourself and grow as a person.. but you got to learn about other people and their life as well.. and ur perspectives of living and survival changed.
huh? imah tukang urut?? xpenah tau pun...hahaha...i miss glasgow as well la dikla...
ReplyDeleteasrul: only my boifren and gelfren jer yg tau..n pernah merasa..hahaha..