Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh No! Not me please...

I don't mind be friend with a married man. I have friends who are. While some, I have their wife as my friend as well, but there are also some that I do not. Whether I know their wife or not or their wife know me or not, I know my limit as a friend and respect their marital status. As far as I know myself, I do not have any feelings to any of my married friends. Of course I do have a lil' bit of interest to 1 or 2 of them before, but the feeling did not continue once they have officially 'owned' by other women.

I do have an issue however, if the friend would like to take an advantage of our friendship and trying to get 'itchy'. If they are a true friend, and really know me, they would never ever trying to make a move on me or even thinking about it. I knowla I'm 'andartu'. But, pleasela don't let that give you an idea that I can consider anybody and entertain your 'itchiness'. It's not that I'm against poligamy. If it was written in my fate that my 'jodoh' is with a married man, then I do need to accept that. Dah jodoh kan? But I know that the decision will come if and only if the situation is right and it is for the good and happiness for all parties and not my own.

I can't predict the future. And I don't know where my heart will 'fall' and all. But I do appreciate the co-operations of all my married friends or any other married man out there (who might read this) that if you are looking for a new 'branch' please please and please..try your best to look at other area and not mine.


  1. First the itchy married men then the itchy single men then the normal single men. That is the cycle every girl has to go through I think. Just like what samantha said to smith jared; first the gays then only the girls. Reason being itchy married men and the gays know their subject very well and know what they want. And normal single guys and girls need to hear the fuss over the subject before they decide they like the subject. I hope i'm making sense here.
