Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's not just RM10...

I and family went to this Konsert Ria at i-City Shah Alam on Sunday. People said the place is beautiful at nights. So, I was feeling quite anxious to see it. Since we're bringing Zulaika with us, I've reminded mum to pack her stroller, so that I don't have to 'dukung' her all the time. Although, she likes to walk by herself, but at times when she's so tired and there's a lot of people, she'll got scared, and prefer that I carry her in my arms. So stroller is a compulsary equipment for an outdoor outings. While we were well equipped with the stuffs for Zulaika's comfort, we all forgot about ourself.

When we arrived, it was raining. And, we did not have any umbrella in the car. There were always a couple in the car previously. But, sometimes, I will drive my brother's car. So, those things had been moved to his car too. Luckily there was a shop there that sell umbrella. It was the first shop we went and they promote to us the only umbrella they have left on sale. It looks like a good umbrella and it was RM10. Don't want to be so picky, I just bought it.

The umbrella did serve us good in a couple of minutes under the soft raining condition. Not long after that, the rain had stopped and I closed the umbrella. However, not so long after that, it was raining again. Quite heavily this time. Mum tried to open the umbrella. But this time, the umbrella did not open as fully as it should. We both pull up, pull down and do all sorts of pulling and pushing to get that umbrella operated, but failed. We already far away from the shops and we don't have any roof-tops near to us either. We just stand under the umbrella and hold it from under to cover both of us. Feels like in 'Memori Daun Pisang' video clip ..But if I were happenned to be trapped under the rain like that with a boyfriend, maybe syokla jugak kan.. hehehe

While we were under the umbrella, I can't help but cursing that sales-person. What kind of person selling faulty product like that?? Don't even last for 1 hour??!!! Wasted my RM10 just like that...haiyah.. Luckily mum was present when I bought it. So I kind of had asked for permission and agreement to buy it. If not, I will surely kena with my mum..At that time, I had wished that, "OK, kau rugikan duit orang 10 hengget, hopefully nanti kau rugi 100 hengget!!"

OKla, cursing him like that is a little over-reacting la.. Plus RM1o is nothing really. But I just can't tolerate people who doing things for profit. I understand that not all products are perfect. But for a thing that can only lasted for a few minutes. It's just too much and so not acceptable.


  1. napa tak g balik kat tempat payung tu?
    takde ke gambaq2 aisiti nyer? :)

  2. Waktu tgh hujan tuh.. mmg tak dpt nak patah balik.. pastu bile hujan dah berenti.. konsert pun dah start..syok tgk Mawi nyanyi terus jer lupa pasal payung.. :p

  3. wow..... dramakan imah nie..... what a weekend ye imah

  4. tak abes shooting pagi..sambung buat drama lg waktu petang.. hehehe
